Hai Zhou


2008-2012: Ph.D. South China Agricultural University

2005-2008: M.S. South China Agricultural University

2001-2005: B.S. South China Agricultural University


2016-present: Professor, College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University, China

2015-2016: Postdoc, Department of Agriculture, University of Florida, USA

2012-2016: Postdoc, College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University, China

Research Interests:

  1. Environment-sensitive Genic Male Sterility (EGMS) in Rice

EGMS rice can not only be used in two-line hybrid breeding, but also an important material to study plant-environment interaction. EGMS includes photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility (PGMS), thermo-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) and humidity-sensitive genic male sterility (HGMS). Our group has been engaged in the study of inheritance and molecular mechanism of EGMS in rice. We have cloned and elucidated the molecular mechanism of some EGMS genes, containing tms5, p/tms12-1, hms1 and oscer1.

  1. Extreme Temperature Stress Tolerance in Rice

As sessile organisms, plants need to adapt to more environmental changes than animals. In recent years, the abnormal change of environmental temperature has seriously affected the growth and regional distribution of plants. Especially the extreme temperature has a serious effect on crop yield. Our group mainly studies the molecular mechanism of extreme temperature tolerance of rice at panicle stage.

Representative publications (* Corresponding author; # co-first author)

1. Huiqiong Chen#, Zhiguo Zhang#, Erdong Ni#, Jianwen Lin#, Guoqing Peng, Jilei Huang, Liya Zhu, Li Deng, Fanfan Yang, Qian Luo, Wei Sun, Zhenlan Liu, Chuxiong Zhuang, Yao-Guang Liu, Hai Zhou*. HMS1 Interacts with HMS1I to Regulate Very-long-chain Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and the Humidity-sensitive Genic Male Sterility in Rice (Oryza sativa). New Phytologist. 2020 225: 2077–2093.

2. Liya Zhu#, Han Cheng#, Guoqing Peng, Shuansuo Wang, Zhiguo Zhang, Erdong Ni, Xiangdong Fu, Chuxiong Zhuang, Zexian Liu*, Hai Zhou*, Ubiquitinome Profiling Reveals the Landscape of Ubiquitination Regulation in Young Panicles, Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2019, accepted.

3. Erdong Ni#, Lingyan Zhou#, Jing Li#, Dagang Jiang, Zhonghua Wang, Shaoyan Zheng, Hua Qi, Ying Zhou, Cimei Wang, Shi Xiao, Zhenlan Liu, Hai Zhou* and Chuxiong Zhuang*. OsCER1 Plays a Pivotal Role in Very-Long-Chain Alkane Biosynthesis and Affects Plastid Development and Programmed Cell Death of Tapetum in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Frontier in plant science, 2018, 9: 1217.

4. Hai Zhou, Ming He, Jing Li, Liang Chen, Zhifeng Huang, Shaoyan Zheng, Liya Zhu, Erdong Ni, Dagang Jiang, Bingran Zhao & Chuxiong Zhuang* 2016. Development of Commercial Thermo-sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice Accelerates Hybrid Rice Breeding Using the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated TMS5 Editing System. Scientific Reports, 22;6: 37395.

5. Hai Zhou, Ming Zhou, Yuanzhu Yang, Jing Li, Liya Zhu, Dagang Jiang, Jingfang Dong, Qinjian Liu, Lianfeng Gu, Lingyan Zhou, Mingji Feng, Peng Qin, Xiaochun Hu, Chengli Song, Jinfeng Shi, Xianwei Song, Erdong Ni, Xiaojin Wu, Qiyun Deng, Zhenlan Liu, Mingsheng Chen, Yao-Guang Liu, Xiaofeng Cao* and Chuxiong Zhuang*. 2014. RNase ZS1 processes UbL40 mRNAs and controls thermosensitive genic male sterility in rice. Nature Communications, 5:4884.

6. Hai Zhou, Qinjian Liu, Jing Li, Dagang Jiang, Lingyan Zhou, Ping Wu, Sen Lu, Feng Li, Liya Zhu, Zhenlan Liu, Letian Chen, Yaoguang Liu*, Chuxiong Zhuang*. 2012. Photoperiod- and thermo-sensitive genic male sterility in rice are caused by a point mutation in a novel noncoding RNA that produces a small RNA. Cell Research, 22:649–660.
